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Volkswagen Bucharest Half Marathon 2018
11 maja 2018 @ 14:00 - 13 maja 2018 @ 16:00
Ediția a 7-a a celui mai important eveniment de alergare stradală a primei jumătăți de an, din România.
Curse: OMV Petrom 21 km, Scholl Romania Ștafetă (3 x 7 km), Individual 10 km, Cursa Populara Vodafone Romania, Cursa Adolescenților Carrefour Romania, Cursa Copiilor McDonald’s Romania, Jogging în scutece.
#RunInBucharest #Bucharest21km
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7th Edition of Romania’s most important street running event, during the first half of the year.
Races: OMV Petrom 21 km, Scholl Romania Relay (3 x 7 km), Individual 10 km, Vodafone RomaniaPopular Race, Carrefour Romania Teens’ Race, McDonald’s Romania Kids’ Race, Diapers Jogging.
#RunInBucharest #Bucharest21km